+49 (0) 6204 980 2640 | Contact Us


Competition Analyses and Know How Transfer

One major benefit of specialising is to know the relevant players in a certain industry and to get a very good insight into the respective market practices.

Be it the competitive environment, the salary conditions and developments or the respective organisational structures – we know “our” Markets und provide our Clients with useful information as well as making market studies and analyses available to them.

Carlantis Global Consulting is a joining together of highly qualified and appropriately experienced Experts that are committed to the uncompromising added value of its Clients.

Carlantis Global Consulting
Walter-Gropius-Allee 14
68519 Viernheim | GERMANY  
Tel.: +49 (0) 6204 980 2640
Fax: +49 (0) 6204 980 2642

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